Solar Heaven
solar heaven.iso
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This program and it's accompanying documentation is copyrighted in
Canada and other countries by:
Bob Seaborn P.O. Box 1741 Saskatoon Saskatchewan Canada S7K-3S1.
Phone (306) 343-1767 Fax (306) 956-3240
All rights are reserved. You are encouraged to upload this program
to any NON-PROFIT BBS. This means that the BBS operator must not be
operating the BBS for a profit or charging access fees other than as
a method to help defray costs. The archive that contains this
program is not to contain any other files other than "SATLOC.EXE" and
"SATLOC.DOC", and may be archived by any of the commonly available
archivers. The only exception to this is the inclusion of a small
text file containing an advertisement for the bbs that is supplying
this program for download. This program is released as shareware
for the IBM series of computers, and will operate on the 80x86
processors. A math co-processor is NOT required.
A donation is requested if you find that this program is useful
and of some help in setting up and maintaining a satellite TVRO system.
If you wish a version that does not contain the closing "request for
donation" screen, please send $20.00 plus $3.50 postage and handling to
the author at the above address. This program will be supplied on a 360k 5.25"
diskette unless otherwise requested.
If the date that is displayed when the SATLOC program is first
started appears to be more than 6 months out of date, be aware that
the data contained in the program is likely obsolete and will most
likely give wrong results when the SATLOC program is executed. You
would be advised to get the most recent version, available at the
location listed in the next paragraph.
Comments, suggestions, and bug reports are always welcome, and can be
sent via mail to the above address (or fax), or by E-mail to the author
at Fidonet 1:140/12. The program is updated as new satellites are placed
in orbit, and old ones are retired. The latest version is always
available at Fidonet 1:140/12 (HST/DS v.32bis) for file-request It is
also available at The Data Dump BBS 1-306-956-3383 (also HST 16.8 /DS
v.32ter) for downloading. Although registration is required at the
Data Dump BBS before download privileges are granted, "SL-xxx.ARJ" or
"SL-xxx.EXE" are free downloads as well as the file list "DD-FILES.ARJ"
or "DD-FILES.EXE". The .EXE files are self extracting archives. Sysops
listed in the current Fidonet nodelist can file request the latest
version from the Data Dump by using the magic name "SATLOC".
To use this program, you need to know the geographical coordinates for
the location of the satellite dish. The better the accuracy, the more
accurate the output data. If you don't know the coordinates, they can
be found on any topographical map. The coordinates of the nearest
airport can also be used if it's within a few miles. This program has
been tested throughout the North-Western hemisphere, and found to be
quite accurate. Although it can calculate dish aiming for the other
hemispheres, no guarantee can be made of it's accuracy. Also the
Canada-US satellites are aimed at the Northern hemisphere, and might not
be viewable elsewhere.
Only on the registered version, when you start the program, you are asked
if you want hardcopy. If you answer "Yes", and no printer is attached,
or the printer output is not redirected, the program will hang until the
printer is attached or the computer is rebooted.
The program will display the aiming coordinates for all the geostationary
satellites currently in the North American section of the Clark belt. If
hardcopy is requested, the printout will also contain areas so that
technical values of each system may be recorded.
ver 2.5 02/11/91 First shareware release
ver 2.6 11/12/91 Replaced Westar W4 with Galaxy G6
ver 2.7 01/01/92 Replaced Satcom F4 with Anik D1
(note polarity reversal)
ver 2.8 01/31/92 Replaced Anik D2 with Anik E1
updated miscellaneous old data
ver 2.9 05/10/82 Updated data to remove W5, add G5, and
show new location of T303
ver 92.2 10/06/92 Renamed distribution archives to reflect year and
number of issued that year, when only changes are
that of updated satellite data.
Added satcom C4
ver 93.1 01/01/93 Corrected names of F1>C1, F3>C3. Fine tuned some
ver 93.2 04/14/93 Removed Satcom F4 and Spacenet S1
ver 93.3 06/02/93 Added more geostationary satellites world-wide
Added code to optionaly display/print only
viewable satellites or all satellites.
ver 94.1 01/01/94 Added Telstar 401, and Soldad-1, relocated SBS-2
Fixed bug for locations east of 0 degrees